The International Continence Society defines Overactive Bladder (OAB) as urgency, with or without incontinence and increased daytime/nighttime urinating (1, 2).

In the US, it is estimated that 16% of men and 17% of women older than 18 years old are affected (1).

The Purpose of this article is to give you some immediate tips that will help reduce the risk and symptoms of OAB.

Tip #1 Eliminating Bladder Irritants

  • Coffee, Artificial sweeteners/aspartame, spicy foods, citrus, carbonated drinks, alcohol, tomato based products (1, 3).

Tip #2 Nighttime Frequency

  • Try reducing fluid intake after 6 pm or approximately 3-4 hours prior to bed. If the air is dry that makes you drink throughout the night, you could try using a humidifier.

Tip #3 Manage Bowel Regularity

  • Constipation or straining on the toilet have negative consequences for OAB and the pelvic floor (1). Ensure you are drinking enough water and getting a fiber intake of at least 35 grams daily.
  • To reduce straining on the toilet, check out our video for positions and exercises. Go to YouTube, search the ECO Physiotherapy Channel and the video is called: What everyone needs to do on the toilet.

Tip #4 Eating your fruits and vegetables

  • Making healthier food choices has been shown to decrease the risk of getting OAB (3). Additionally fruits and vegetables can help regulate bowels which can help with symptoms of OAB.

Tip #5 Increase your physical activity

  • Physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of getting OAB. Walking is a great low impact exercise that gets your body moving but also helps to clear your mind and decrease stress (3).

Tip #6 Decrease stress

  • Can reduce the risk and symptoms of OAB. If you are constantly on the go, go, go, there is higher risk of the bladder being on the go, go, go. There are variety of ways to decrease stress such as, physical activity, meditation, journaling, or other leisure activities.

3 Exercises that can be helpful in OAB

  1. Hip flexor stretch: You can perform this exercise in kneeling or standing. Step your left leg forward and lean forward so your left knee bends to your comfort level and you feel a stretch in your right hip. Then lift your right arm up straight and lean over to the left. This will increase the stretch through the right side of the abdomen. Hold 30 seconds. The switch legs so the right leg is forward and repeat for 30 seconds.


You can watch a video demonstration on our ECO Physiotherapy YouTube Channel #35 Psoas (hip flexor) stretch.

  1. Lumbar Spine Rotation: Laying flat on your back with your knees bent. Allows your knees to gently fall to the right, then turn your head to the left allowing your spine to turn and your side abdominal muscles to stretch. Hold for 10 seconds. Then gently bring your knees to the left and your head to the right, hold for 10 seconds. Make sure to take a deep breath into the stretch. Go to each side 5-10 times.


To see a video demonstration, go to our ECO Physiotherapy YouTube Channel and its video #38 Lumbar Spine Rotation Stretch.


  1. Seated Side Bend Stretch: Sitting on the floor with legs crossed or sitting on a ball or chair. Raise your right arm up as high as you can comfortably go then lean over to the left (like tipping a tea cup). Hold for 10 seconds. Take a few deep breaths. Then switch. The left arm lift up straight and bend your body t the right. Hold 10 seconds, taking deep breaths, repeat 5-10 times.


For video demonstration visit our ECO Physiotherapy Channel. Video #39 Seated Side Bend Stretch.




  1. Wyman, J.F et al. 2009. Practical aspects of lifestyle modifications and behavioural interventions in the treatment of overactive bladder and urgency urinary incontinence. Int J Clin Pract. V 63(8): 1177-1191.
  2. Yamaguchi, O et al. 2009. Clinical guidelines for overactive bladder. International Journal of Urology. V. 16: 126-142.
  3. Dallosso, H.M et al. 2003. The association of diet and other lifestyle factos with overactive bladder and stress incontinence: a longitudinal study in women. BJU International. V 92: 69-77.
Tips for Overactive Bladder