Everyone experiences struggles and problems in their lives that can seem unmanageable, overwhelming or even mildly distressing. Psychotherapy can help you by providing the space to speak with a trained therapist who can help you identify the sources of problems and the constraints that may be getting in the way of leading a more peaceful and healthier life. The main goal of therapy is to help you achieve well-being and a sense of connectedness.


Psychotherapy can provide you with support to explore and understand challenges in order to start making positive changes and gain greater self-awareness into the problems and challenges.


Clients come to psychotherapy for a variety of reasons that may include:


-Coping with depression and anxiety and its impacts on the physical body

-Overcoming problematic substance use

-Understanding interpersonal relationships

-Experiencing major life transitions (age-related transitions, illness, divorce and separation, changing careers or jobs)

-Managing chronic pain

-Understanding sexual & gender identity

-Resolving the effects of immigration and dislocation

-Dealing, understand and healing from bereavement

-Exploring childhood trauma and its effects on mind and body


The decision to start therapy can seem intimidating but clients who have been in psychotherapy often recognize the importance of having once started. Psychotherapy provides you with the possibility of speaking to an “objective, third ear” (therapist) that can accompany you in the process of self-discovery and exploration!






Written by: Agustina Jorquera

What is psychotherapy and what can it do for me?