Do you have a Sensitivity to Gluten and other Foods?

What do beer, soy sauce and wheat all have in common?  These products all contain a substance called gluten! Going “gluten free” has become a popular way of eating for many people who have a sensitivity to gluten.  However a gluten free diet may not be best for everyone- especially if you don’t have an allergy or sensitivity to foods containing gluten.

What exactly is gluten?

Gluten is a protein that is present in cereal grains, and especially found in wheat, that is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. One of the primary reasons a freshly baked bun is so fluffy, chewy and delicious is because of this protein! Gluten consumption has been increasing over the last few years. In fact, in the 30 years between 1970 and 2000, gluten consumption increased by 25%! Given the typical North American diet, this isn’t all that surprising.  Breakfast often includes toast or cereal (containing wheat products), lunch for many is a sandwich with 2 pieces of bread or pasta made of wheat and it’s easy to find gluten show up at dinner (think hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta, cous cous, lasagna, wheat tacos, wraps, dinner buns). Gluten is found in the all of the following substances:

  • Barley (malt, malt flavoring and malt vinegar are usually made from barley)
  • Rye
  • Triticale (a cross between wheat and rye)
  • Wheat
  • Bulgur
  • Durum flour
  • Farina
  • Graham flour
  • Kamut
  • Semolina
  • Spelt
  • Beer
  • Soy sauce and other common condiments


Gluten has been a hot topic in the media lately, brining into question if gluten is actually healthy to consume. For some individuals that suffer from celiac disease, gluten should never be ingested. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the small intestine. If an individual with this disease ingests gluten, they will suffer from moderate to severe gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating. Below is a picture of the cells of the intestinal tract of an individual without celiac disease, vs the cells of a person with this condition. As you can see, the gluten particle actually damages the cells of the digestive tract if a person has celiac disease.




Some people may also have an allergic reaction when they eat gluten. In these individuals affected by a wheat or gluten allergy, hives, itching, redness and swelling presents almost immediately after the ingestion of wheat or other products containing gluten.  This is similar to any other food allergy such as the common peanut food allergy. Rarely, some individuals develop a severe anaphylactic allergy response to gluten.

However, for some people, gluten may still make them feel lousy, even if they do not have celiac disease a gluten allergy.

For years, researchers have struggled to determine why some individuals, who lack the characteristic blood, tissue, or genetic markers of celiac disease, and do not have an allergy to gluten but yet they experience gastrointestinal symptoms. These people often have other symptoms related to gluten consumption headaches, fatigue, cognitive difficulties, or mood disturbance, after ingesting foods that contain wheat, rye, or barley.

Studies now show that non-celiac gluten or wheat sensitivity (also known as a gluten sensitivity) causes a different type of immune response in some folks.  Exposure to the offending grains containing gluten somehow triggers acute systemic immune activation, rather than a solely localized intestinal immune response and an allergic reaction. Researchers estimate that gluten sensitivity affects about 1 percent of the population, or 3 million Americans, roughly the same prevalence as celiac disease.

The interesting, and important thing to note when it comes to gluten sensitivity (or any food sensitivity for that matter), is that the reaction may not be immediate- unlike a gluten allergy or celiac disease.  If one has a gluten sensitivity, the immune response can take 1-2 days to increase. This means that you may have had pizza Monday, felt fine on Tuesday, but had a reaction on Wednesday.  This makes food sensitivities sometimes difficult to determine.

Studies have shown that this immune response found in people with a gluten sensitivity could associated can be associated with anxiety, depression, migraines and dementia.

Food sensitivities in general (meaning gluten sensitivity or dairy sensitivity or even sensitivity to tomatoes!) have also been liked with the following:

  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
  • Bloating & IBS symptoms
  • Postprandial fatigue (Feeling tired after a meal)
  • Chronic post nasal drip (Runny nose)
  • Sinus congestion
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Depression

It’s pretty clear that if you have a sensitivity to wheat, going gluten free, or reducing your intake of gluten may not just be beneficial for your gastrointestinal track but also for your mood! The important take away here is that you may be sensitive to multiple foods, or sensitive to a particular food but not sensitive to gluten?

So how do I know what foods I am sensitive to?

Food Sensitivity Testing

Food sensitivity testing is the most accurate way to find out if you have a food sensitivity.  This test is commonly ordered by Naturopathic Doctors and some Medical Doctors.  The process consists of eating many different foods first (within a 2 week period), then going to have your blood taken at a lab.  The blood is sent off to be tested for the immune response your body has produced to various foods.  Once complete, you receive a report from your doctor looking at the foods that could be causing the symptoms you are experiencing.


This is only a partial report of a patient, but clearly shows that this patient has a sensitivity to wheat, but not couscous or rye. There are also other foods, such as egg whites and milk that is causing a response in this patient and thus should be avoided to decrease symptoms.

If you are interested in completing an elimination diet or a food sensitivity test, go see a Naturopathic Doctor near you!!


Dr. Emily Lipinski, ND

Do you have a Sensitivity to Gluten and other Foods?